16 February, 2009

Just Call Me Annie. Annie Liebowitz.

When I was just a wee tyke, my parents gave me a pink - yes, pink - Le Clic camera. Did that just take you wayback? You remember the ones - they were those disc-shaped cameras from the 80's and came in cool colours like pink, purple, red and blue. (I tried finding an image online but, strangely, couldn't) The minute I opened that camera, I thought I was the coolest thing, well, evah. I really haven't stopped taking pictures since. Just ask my friends who I annoy endlessly with my photos of all things, including the mundane. It's all for the blog, friends, all for the blog.

Fast forward 25 years to December 2K8. I was in Houston for the holidays and went to a TV commercial shoot my company was doing with the Houston Rockets, specifically with Shane Battier and Carl Landry. Of course, I brought along my camera and as it turns out, was the only person there to think of doing so. I know - don't ask me. I usually don't put my photos "out there", mostly for fear of being judged. I just choose not to look like a complete ass in front of everyone on earth (just a select few). Post holidays, though, I was asked to provide some of my snaps to our PR department to accompany the contest press release. So I did.

Turns out that something way cool happened. One of the wires picked up the story and -- wait for it -- my photo was featured on the Reuters board in both Times Square and Las Vegas! Freakin' sweet.

Reuters Board in Times Square

PR Newswire in Las Vegas

The Original

Shane Battier and me

It's not really that great of a photo, imo. Still, it had eyeballs gawking at it in two of the hippest cities on the planet. I expect to get a call from National Geographic any day now because, clearly, my time has come. Don't worry -- I promise not to forget the little people (grin). And just think...it all started with a pink Le Clic.


  1. Basketball, you forgot to mention, was invented by Canadians!


  2. I knew you when cabbage patch kids first came out.

  3. I knew you before all that.

  4. by "little people" you also mean facebook friends, right?
