26 February, 2009

Signed, Sealed, Delivered

Lucky for you guys, My Canadian Adventures will live on for another year. I officially leased out my condo in Houston today, so I (very happily) get to stay in T.O. - yahoo!

Canada, get ready for another 13 months of adventures with a Texas girl who has a giant crush on you (swoon)!

24 February, 2009

Houston Totally Rocked, Y'all

My Houston trip is quickly coming to an end and it was good to Your Humble Narrator. I haven't worn a coat in six days (!) and I think that maybe - just maybe - the pigment in my skin has officially changed from Casper white to the much darker hue of milky white.

My move went well and, despite running on a total of about four hours of sleep, I still managed to have an awesome time. Some highlights:

Driving into my fair city's downtown core

Widely available sweet tea - possibly the true love of my life

Seeing my friend B. - the only person who will make funny margarita faces with me.

Seeing my friend J. who despises taking pictures.

My nearly hassle-free move. This was day 2.5 with no shower. Pretty. Does anyone else think I look like I'm attempting to do the River Dance?

Scarfing down calorie-free (not!) mexican food, minus the refried beans. Ick.

Not nearly as bright a shade of white as when I left Canada.

17 February, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

I'm returning to the scene of the crime. I'm "fixin" to head back to Texas, y'all! You may have already heard, oh, once or twice by now, that I'm staying in Canada another year (!). I'm really only just slightly excited about it much (yippee, yahoo, woo hoo, wahoo, backflips, handstands, pogo sticks, bouncy balls, lollipops!!).

What spine-tingling fun will I be having in H-town, you ask? Check it: Mexican food! Margaritas with salt! Celebrating my parents' 41st wedding anniversary! Target run in a currency worth something! Breaking fingernails from packing up my condo! Shoving all my worldly goods into a 10x10 air conditioned box! Finding a renter in tanking economy! Wait a minute.....

(P.S. if anyone wants to come hang and help me pack, there's liquor in it for you. We might have to drink out of yellow Solo cups, but it's free. We can work our way from business drunk into lampshade-on-the-head drunk. Just be careful with my stuff.)

I'm getting my iTouch all charged up and ready to go with some tunage to get me through the week o'hell, er, I mean fun (sorry mom). I'm adding a snippet of the playlist that I'll be rockin' out to while enduring splinters from the eleventy-thousand cardboard boxes I'll be packing. Thanks to a pretty fantastic Canadian radio fan I know, I've been listening almost exclusively to CBCRadio3 lately (except in my car where I am still (Sirius)XM loyal, but quickly losing patience. Come ON - Huey Lewis has no place on the 80's channel. Or any channel for that matter). CBCRadio3 is a nationally broadcast Canadian radio station that rocks all Canadian music by all Canadian artists all the time. Rock, pop, hip hop, alternative, electronic - if you like it, they're playing it. The best part? Their streaming is gratis. I think it's quite possibly the world's greatest radio station. People - stop listening to Britney, Taylor Swift and flippin' Uncle Kracker and do yourselves a favour - check out some good music.

A'hem...without further ado, my playlist, set to the tune of "Smack My B*tch Up" but entitled "Pack Yo Sh*t Up".

1) Help, I'm Alive - Metric (I am so digging this song right now, I can hardly stand it. Get the acoustic version free on their website)
2) Some Are Lakes - Land of Talk
3) The Reptiles and I - Shriekback
4) Hands on Fire - The Stills
5) Land of Giants - Hooded Fang
6) Sonnet - The Verve (this song makes me happy like a schoolgirl getting felt up under the bleachers)
7) Mr. Wendall - Arrested Development
8) By Your Side (Naked Music Remix) - Sade ft. Miguel Migs
9) We Are the Hunters - The D'urbervilles
10) Everything Counts - Depeche Mode
11) 14 Forever - Stars
12) Rushing - Moby
13) Ebow the Letter - R.E.M.
14) Until the Night is Over - Timber Timbre
15) 100 Days, 100 Nights - Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings
16) Queen of Hearts - Juice Newton (aw yeah! Flashback!)
17) Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division
18) Never Let Me Down Again - Depeche Mode
19) Where Do I Begin - The Chemical Brothers
Tie for 20th place:
20a) Jesus on the Radio - Guster
20b) Closedown - The Cure

Talk to you guys next week. Big Texas-sized hugs!

Side note: total shout out to Continental Airlines. I was scheduled to fly through Newark to Houston on the same type of prop plane that, very sadly, went down in Buffalo last week. And, there is supposed to be a rain/snow mix the day I leave. Ugh. I'm not usually a flying wimp, but I was having serious heart palpitations about getting on that plane. I called Continental and asked if there was anything they could do because, honestly, I would have been totally devoid of my sangfroid had I been required to fly on that plane in the snow (I know, I know...I live in Canada.). To my surprise and delight, they were more than accommodating and to boot, super cool about it. They changed my flights to non-stop jet service without - shock of the century - ANY ADDITIONAL FARE CHARGES OR CHANGE FEES. Continental: thank you, thank you, thank you. You guys rock. This is why I love you so.

16 February, 2009

The truth is, Canada, America isn't into you.

As an American living in Canada, I can certainly relate to this article although reading it was a definite palm-to-forehead moment for me.

Reposted from the February 16, 2009 online edition of the Toronto Star. By Eric Weiner.

The truth is, Canada, America isn't into you.

It's not personal but niceness doesn't cut it in the land of the free and home of the brave.

A big ol' howdy and bonjour Canada! How are you?

We know, we know, it's been a while. Sorry about that.

We have been, per usual, rather self-absorbed lately, what with our historic elections and our economy in freefall. But, hey, good news. Did you hear? We're coming to visit. We'll be in Ottawa on the 19th. Hope you can make it. We hear mid-February is a lovely time of year there.

Look, Canada, before you get your hopes up about this trip, there's something we need to tell you. We're not sure how to put this so we will be brutally direct, as is our way. We're just not that into you.

There, we said it. We feel better already.

You've always been there for us, Canada: after the Sept. 11 attacks and now in Afghanistan. We appreciate that, really we do. But still, we're just not that into you.

It's not personal, really. It's geopolitical. You're just too ... nice. Nice doesn't get our attention. Threatening gets our attention, and you, Canada, are anything but threatening, except on the hockey rink, of course, but we don't take hockey all that seriously.

If you really wanted us to notice, you should have gotten all gussied up in that Taepodong outfit (it worked for North Korea) or maybe flashed some weapons of mass destruction – real or imagined, it's all the same to us.

Let's face it. We've been bickering a lot lately – over Afghanistan and NAFTA and that silly softwood dispute. Plus you think we hog all the water, which we probably do.

We admit we've been avoiding you lately. But can you blame us? Your loonie is loony. Up one day, down the next, then up again. We've got plenty of that yo-yo action right here on Wall Street. We don't need to go north for it.

Also, many of us Americans – especially those in their 20s and 30s – tell surveyors they find Canada a "boring" place to visit.

I know, I know, how can a country with both Cirque du Soleil and Don Cherry possibly be described as boring? What can I say, Canada? Our amusement threshold is very high.

So is our capacity for selfishness. Our pending "Buy American" campaign hurts you. We feel your pain, Canada, really we do, but we've got to look out for Number 1. And we all know who Number 1 is.

Perhaps what we have here is a classic failure to communicate. The fact is, we don't know you Canada. And no wonder: American newspapers no longer maintain bureaus in Canada.

Not that we paid much attention when they did. Most of us couldn't name your prime minister or, for that matter, your capital city. Is this kind of ignorance any basis for a relationship?

If we know you Canada (and we've already determined we don't) you're probably blaming yourself. You always do. Unlike us, you're so modest and self-effacing. It's endearing.

Remember that joke you like to tell us? How do you get 50 Canadians to leave a swimming pool? By making an announcement: Will all the Canadians please leave the pool. See, you find that funny. We don't get it. That's why, Canada, it's best we go our separate ways.

I know what you're thinking: You can change, America. You've elected a new president, one who is all about change and re-engagement with the world.

Don't believe it, Canada. Nations, like people, don't change easily. We're been around for more than 200 years. We're a bit stuck in our ways.

No, Canada, we're just not that into you and probably never will be. Don't fret, though. You're better off without us. We were very much into Iraq (still are) and look how that turned out.

Besides, Canada, you're too good for us anyway.

The truth is we envy you, though of course we never admit that to anyone, not even ourselves. We envy your health-care system. We envy your prudent, sober banks. We envy your restraint on the international stage. We envy your very happiness. We envy everything about you. Except your weather, of course. Nobody envies that.

So, chin up. We can still be friends. After all, you are so close; we're practically neighbours.

Yes, we're still friends – and best trading partners for life too! And you will continue to send us your best comedians, won't you?

Hey, let's do coffee sometime. We'll call you.

Eric Weiner is the Washington-based author of The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World, now out in paperback.

Just Call Me Annie. Annie Liebowitz.

When I was just a wee tyke, my parents gave me a pink - yes, pink - Le Clic camera. Did that just take you wayback? You remember the ones - they were those disc-shaped cameras from the 80's and came in cool colours like pink, purple, red and blue. (I tried finding an image online but, strangely, couldn't) The minute I opened that camera, I thought I was the coolest thing, well, evah. I really haven't stopped taking pictures since. Just ask my friends who I annoy endlessly with my photos of all things, including the mundane. It's all for the blog, friends, all for the blog.

Fast forward 25 years to December 2K8. I was in Houston for the holidays and went to a TV commercial shoot my company was doing with the Houston Rockets, specifically with Shane Battier and Carl Landry. Of course, I brought along my camera and as it turns out, was the only person there to think of doing so. I know - don't ask me. I usually don't put my photos "out there", mostly for fear of being judged. I just choose not to look like a complete ass in front of everyone on earth (just a select few). Post holidays, though, I was asked to provide some of my snaps to our PR department to accompany the contest press release. So I did.

Turns out that something way cool happened. One of the wires picked up the story and -- wait for it -- my photo was featured on the Reuters board in both Times Square and Las Vegas! Freakin' sweet.

Reuters Board in Times Square

PR Newswire in Las Vegas

The Original

Shane Battier and me

It's not really that great of a photo, imo. Still, it had eyeballs gawking at it in two of the hippest cities on the planet. I expect to get a call from National Geographic any day now because, clearly, my time has come. Don't worry -- I promise not to forget the little people (grin). And just think...it all started with a pink Le Clic.

13 February, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day, My Loves!

I'm exhausted. Thank God it's a long weekend. Monday is Family Day in Ontario and as the name implies, essentially negates the existence of about 33% of the population. I'm not complaining, though...it's a day off.

I have a date tonight. Kudos to him for scheduling well in advance but conveniently not on Saturday night. That's a good thing, really - I don't know how many "ring hidden in pastry" situations I can take. I'd rather just avoid the restaurant scene tomorrow altogether. True story: I was at the dry cleaner today and the lady working said to me "oh, you must be very busy tomorrow". I had to stop and think for a second. Was there a big festival I didn't know about? Did I win the Publisher's Clearing House sweepstakes and they're bringing over the giant cheque and balloons? You can usually tell what I'm thinking by the expression on my face and I must have looked really confused because she proceeded to inform me "It's Valentine's Day - you must be very busy". Sigh. Even my dry cleaner is banking on me to have a date tomorrow, when, really, I'll just be at home in my pajamas. Oh well. At least someone thinks I'm cool. Life is 90% perception anyway, right?

We got fancy new copy machines at work and our Facilities team has scheduled training sessions for them next week. Training sessions on using the copy machines. And at an hour each, no less. I will be attending simply for the comedic value. This is something I have to see. "No, no...you push this button here - the one that says 'Copy'".

Sincere apologies for the watching-paint-dry-on-the-wall-boring posts as of late. I promise to try harder! Note to self: be wittier by half.

12 February, 2009

All The Cool Kids Are Doing It

What is everyone's deal with the memes all of a sudden? The zeitgeist of 2009, no doubt. I've seen '25 Random Things' memes, 'Bucket' list memes, 'Who I Cheated On My Wife With" memes...too many damn memes! I have thus far refused to succumb, because do you really care to know what kind of fruit I like? Sheesh - I write a blog for God sakes! It's chock full o' totally random things about me. But, since my friends continue to harass me about not filling these things out, I'll give in. Does this mean you're going to send me some of my favorite things now? Hmpf - thought so. Find below my own "Meme" of things that make me happy. Now stop bugging me!

My passport
Witty repartee
TCM Channel's "31 Days of Oscar"
Perfume/girlie potions - It's simple...I'm addicted.
The Sunday Times
Traveling to far off places
My Art Gallery of Ontario membership card
Christmas lights year round
Mexican food
Frozen Margaritas with salt
Machu Picchu
Red Mini Coopers
4" heels
(Sirius)XM radio
White high threadcount sheets
This American Life/Ira Glass/NPR/All Things Considered
David Sedaris - met him in T.O....raunchy and hilarious.
Gin & Tonic with a twist - year round cocktail
Pimm's Cup - summer patio cocktail
The Albright-Knox Gallery - Buffalo, New York
In-town hotel stays - Hotel ZaZa (Houston), Four Seasons (Toronto)
Red wine
Great conversation
My Paella pan
Friday nights
Laughing uncontrollably
Candles - I actually have a candle closet at my house. I know...Dork.
My iTouch, natch
Boardgames - Cranium, Taboo, Blokus, 80's Trivial Pursuit
Golf carts
Absolutely anything with chocolate
All things Canadian (except the taxes)

I'm done. Hope your day has now been made (grin).

08 February, 2009

Soundtrack for Today

It's a gorgeous, sunny day today and I'm venturing out to take some photos. Thought I'd list my soundtrack for the day. Sing along with me!

1) This Must Be the Place - Talking Heads
2) Miles Away (Johnny Vicious Club Mix) - Madonna
3) Gold Digger - Kanye West
4) Feel Good - Gorillaz
5) The Drugs Don't Work - The Verve
6) World in Motion - New Order
7) Iris - Live
8) Poker Face (Jody den Broder Remix) - Lady Gaga
9) Hypnotize - Notorious BIG
10) Good Life - Kanye West
11) Baby Jane - Rod Stewart
12) We Both Reached for the Gun - 1996 "Chicago" Soundtrack
12) Staring at the Sun - TV on the Radio
13) Hey Ya - Outkast
14) (Feel Me) Through the Radio (Inpetto Remix Edit) - DJ Shog

07 February, 2009

Head Too Cloudy to Think of Anything Clever

My friends and I went out last night and, needless to say, debauchery ensued. Brant House is the spot in T.O. for $3 drinks so it's all their fault, really.

The pounding in my noggin is relentless. I tried sleeping off the inevitable hangover but my growling G.I. tract forced me to immediately cram greasy foods down my throat. Nap time will be a requirement today, natch.

I'm certainly old enough to know better...but it's still fun anyway.

See more photos here.

06 February, 2009

Backspin, Yo

I fancy a lovely little channel on (Sirius)XM called "Backspin-XL". It's total old skool rap and basically kicks it - hard. It's so old skool, in fact, that seniors and their very senior parents listen while nursing their Manhattans at the bar.

I heard one of my all-time faves this morning and was forced to share. Totally took me back to when I was, like, eight. Okay, twelve, but who's counting. Fantastic little tune to kick off the weekend, imo, as I'll be kickin' it tonight on King West. I'll personally be having a drink or two. Or ten.

So, do you remember this little ditty? I love that it's the Soul Train version, too. I mean, who doesn't have fond memories of running home from school, sweaty with scabby knees and a metal Smurfs lunchbox clanging in hand, to watch Don Cornelius and "the hippest trip in America"? Good times.

(note the retro charm of Doug E Fresh's "Coca-Cola" shirt. for shame!)

04 February, 2009

One of These Things Doesn't Belong

Any guesses?

Snapped near College and Ossington.

Side note: President Obama, will you consider nominating me to your Cabinet? I've paid all my taxes.

03 February, 2009

Well, You Start By Tearing Up a Wad of Cash...

It snowed in Toronto this morning. Unbeknownst to me, of course, until after I'd woken up. I was formerly an avid Canadian weather watcher but when I realized that they were wrong 90% of the time, I quit watching. The old adage heard in cities 'round the world - "just wait 15 minutes and the weather will change" - is certainly true of this fair city as well. I don't really do snow, at least when it comes to driving, and because I didn't know I'd have to deal with the little white bugs today, I got up too late to take transit. I called a colleague who lives in my building, but he had an early morning meeting. Reality was staring me square in the face: I was going to have to drive. Sometimes, you just have to put on your big girl panties and work it out.

Here's the fun part. In my haste and nervousness about the possibility of sliding off the Gardiner or, say, running down a pedestrian, I clipped a concrete post in my parking garage. I heard the loud "bang" and knew exactly what I'd done. I tried to maintain my equanimity, but uttered an expletive anyway (that can't be repeated here because my Mom's reading). So it goes. I could not even bring myself to stop and look at the gash, so I just kept driving - straight to work. Problem-free, I might add.

My beloved (and nearly paid for) car has not been washed in over three months and is therefore covered in a two-inch thick crust of dirt, snow and ice. Actually, I can hardly change lanes on the freeway because I can barely see out. I usually try to take the "glass half full" approach in life and in this scenario it's as follows: the lovely crust mix has mitigated my ability to see the scrape. For now. Once I wash it, though, the ugly scab on my heretofore perfect vehicle will be completely exposed for all the world to see. Namely me. Oh well, such is life.

02 February, 2009

Thank You Jesus!!

Five words: the sun came out today!!

My makeup was ruined from the watery eyes I had after staring at the sun for about ten straight minutes, but I didn't care! Then, I sang at the top of my lungs right in the middle of the office and got the stink-eye from my colleagues, but I didn't care! The sun was blisteringly bright coming around the Don Mills curve on the DVP and my poor cornea were hardly able to adjust to the strong UV light; I was almost in a 179 car pile up because of it, but I didn't care! I'm from Texas, remember? I'm used to living on the face of the sun, so not seeing it for five months has done permanent damage to both my eyeballs and my epidermis (that, I care about).

Today, though, I'm a happy girl!


Me doing a little jig after seeing the sun

Happy girl! (photo courtesy of Catherine)

The Gardiner on my way home - woo hoo!

My Week of Not Being Lame

My weeks are usually manic-filled episodes of sprinting around Toronto from place to place. Sort of like the proverbial chicken. Last week, though, was a rare one where I didn't have much to do. I still managed to find a little bit of trouble - as I'm apt to do - but it was basically a slow one for me. This week, however, I am back on my A-game and have a ton of cool things lined up. If anyone wants to join, call me (picture me mouthing the words and holding up a "finger phone" to my ear).

Monday - Watching The Bachelor, sillies. Well, and hip hop dance class at City Dance Corps, too, but I'll be DVR'ing the former. I mean, who doesn't wanna watch Jason take those crazy, greedy, plastic bitches home to meet mom and dad?! It's a (made for TV) disaster waiting to happen and I can't wait.

Tuesday: Sewing Machine Essentials class. Yep, I'm diving head first into the pool of domestication. I will be learning how to turn a sewing machine on for the very first time and will be attempting to turn fabric into a pillow slip. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a true city girl at heart so this should be interesting. If I had to sew a button to save my life, well, you know.

Pics to follow, natch.

Wednesday: Watch Kobe (and the rest of the Lakers) take down the Raptors.

Thursday: "Up Until Now" at the Winchester Street Theatre (aka "The Winch"). The world premiere of a newly commissioned work from the iconic American choreographer and dance experimentalist Deborah Hay. Should be rockin'.

Friday: King West Pub Crawl. If it's anywhere near as debaucherous as December's outing, I'll just plan to talk to you guys next week. Should be fun to try and make my 9am flight to Houston on Saturday. Think I'll make it? (@Farhan - bet you can't get 16 G&T's down this time without stumbling home)

Saturday: Wake up and take aspirin. Fly to Houston. Pack up condo. Try to find renter in tanking economy. Shove as much Mexican food as possible down throat. Get waited on hand and foot by amazing parents.

My Kinda Place

I tried a new church yesterday. I'm, unfortunately, a lapsed Catholic and yes, I feel guilty about it. I promise to say 10 Our Father's and 10 Hail Mary's as penance. Tomorrow.

I'm a girl who appreciates rituals, both religious and otherwise. Rituals have been ingrained in me since I was a small girl, likely from attending weekly Mass with devout parents very involved with the Church. To this day they're a comfort to me. When deciding which university to attend, I ended up choosing one steeped in tradition and rituals. Probably not a coincidence considering I had several to choose from. Don't get me wrong, I despise redundancy; but having the same routine day after day is a far cry from the deeper ritualistic experience I crave.

There aren't many churches around me since I live downtown, so I tried St. Andrew's Presbyterian, a 179 year-old church about a ten minute walk from my building. As I walked up to the church, I got that familiar little adrenaline rush knowing that I was walking into a completely new situation (and which I secretly love!). I found a seat, the service began and everything was fine - no one brought out the whips to lash me for not being "one of them" nor did anyone point and laugh. Maybe the Protestants aren't that bad after all (kidding!).

Blah, blah, blah, we asked for forgiveness, etc, etc and the sermon began. The first three words out of the reverend's mouth were "Money. Sex. Demonic Possession.", and I knew I was home.